About us

We're working worldwide in high-end and diversified asset monetizing &a project funding through our International PPP programs.

We monetize and placed it into a trade (including managed Buy-Sell )ALL TYPES of high -end instruments, bonds and rare & valuable assets including above -ground assets with SKR.

We also specialise in Bank to Bank trades, buy/sell programs, blocked funds trades,(SBLC'S, BG'S &MTN'S) and bullet trades.

There are many offer trade and private placement programs, few who can truly deliver.

By the way as you know that The Private Placement trades are primarily designed for humanitarian causes and environmental projects.

You must be invited, accepted and follow the trade procedures.

Monetization of SBLC &BG'S as well as small cap programs are available.

So if you have any questions, I'm gladly available for you sir.

Kindly regards,

Giuseppe Esposito  / Executive officer

Bautec HWS Gmbh

Contact us:
  Tel.: 0221 - 57 00 37 94

 Fax: 0221 - 57 00 37 95

Mobil: 0163 - 91 40 870
